02 February 2024

BYD Secures Land for NEV Plant in Hungary with Preliminary Land Purchase Agreement

No More Lithium! BYD Shifts To Sodium-Ion Batteries!

Man Trains A Fly To Steal $500 Million From World's Safest Bank



 The fly didn't steal money.

The fly in movie is much bigger than in the video's cover picture.

Mom Clones 20 Girlfriends For Her Son So He Can Satisfy His Needs

A World Where People Earn Money By Selling Their Beautiful Memories

Man Just Realizes That The Black Circle He Printed Can Take Him To Another Universe

Creatures Invade Earth And Kill 99% of Humanity But No One Has Seen Them

【世界の衝撃EVシフト】電力不足・充電インフラ不足のはずなのに、、 2023年12月最新、日本車天国タイで、5台に1台以上がEVシフトの衝撃



[Shocking EV shift around the world] Despite the lack of electricity and charging infrastructure, more than 1 in 5 (new) cars in Thailand, the Japanese car paradise, is shocking as of December 2023