10 February 2025

【EV北海道遠征】スタック覚悟! テスラでギリギリ登れた雪道急坂、中国製EVでも登れた?/中国製EV「BYDシール」も岩山・小樽の急坂で雪道登坂性能を試す



Title translation : [EV Hokkaido expedition] Be prepared to get stuck! Tesla barely made it up the steep snowy road, but could a Chinese-made EV make it? / Chinese-made EV "BYD Seal" also puts snowy climbing performance to the test on the steep slopes of the rocky mountain of Otaru


h0ngcom's thought :
Anti-Chinese-EV people in Thailand should know that BYD Seal (and BYD EV models) is ROAD-LEGAL in Japan... Of course, they don't care about that. Haters gonna hate. (Thai people trusted in Japanese Qualities. I thought BYD entered Japan to get good images worldwide rather than to fight Japanese automakers.)

For Anti-EV people in Thailand, regardless of the car's nationality, I can't do anything to them, let them oppose it, especially that billionaire man, he can keep neutral but he doesn't, he revealed how anti-EV he is. He was my idol since about 20 years ago until now, but after he showed that attitudes, he is not my idol anymore. No need for fuel car enthusiasts to anti-EV. And I see NOBODY anti fuel cars (because no one can). We can use the same roads.

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