01 January 2025
BYD Controversy in Brazil
Whoever wins, BYD loses.
最猛女司機開三菱越野成功登頂! BYD唐 VS JEEP角鬥士,表現超精彩!#越野 #byd #jeep #三菱
Because of the almost-recent rumors, you shouldn't put BYD and Stellantis North America (in this case, Jeep) together. --h0ngcom
European Vs Chinese car technology 😮😮😮
Propaganda detected! Mercedes autonomous cars are exist too. --h0ngcom
Regardless of nationality of car, In Autonomous Car I Don't Trust. --h0ngcom
Geely's Riddara RD6 price and specs revealed for RHD production!!!
The Thai version of Riddara(Radar) RD6 is translated to English.
The right-hand drive version, if release only in ASEAN, it does not make senses. So it is likely to release in Oceania too.
And, as he mentioned, BYD Shark is a PHEV, not a pure electric. So EV extremists will not want it.
If you want a pure EV like him, of course, don't order Shark.
Happy New Year!
However, Thai CHERY customers in 2000s/2010s are still abandoned. O&J are O&J and not Chery. (With the same logic, Geely is not Proton too. I and some people are still abandoned too.)