30 October 2023

The most popular electric car in Japan costs only $13,000

h0ngcom : Much better than Wuling's small EV models. Faster top speed than Neta V. Thailand and many EV markets need/want this Japanese small EV models (with the right prices). Japan should export it/them, or produce it/them outside Japan too. No need to change it/them from the JDM specs. They are already very good. People trusted Japanese products and Japanese specifications.

28 October 2023

Toyota President says “People Are Finally Seeing Reality” of Electric Cars

h0ngcom said: Thai people saw the reality at the very beginning because they believing and trusting in Toyota, Isuzu, Honda, etc, not Chinese cr@p. WAHAHAHAHA!!!
Fuck the previous and the current Thai governments!! They are inviting and supporting Chinese cr@p makers too much.
In this topic, I, h0ngcom, maybe an idiot, maybe chose the wrong party and the wrong prime minister.