22 November 2024
20 November 2024
シャオミ SU7 MAX【レビュー&試乗】脅威のコスパに危機感!? 日本未導入の中国製ハイパフォーマンスEV!! E-CarLife with 五味やすたか
Wild XIAOMI SU7 MAX appeared!
Chinese-spec (LHD version) Xiaomi SU7 Max appeared in Japan !!!
Ono Sokki is a world-leading manufacturer of high quality and innovative measurement and testing instrumentation for R&D, quality control and production line engineers, especially in the automotive industry. A one-stop solution for measurement, our range of products includes engine rpm and torque measurement, sound and vibration testing, rotary encoders, tachometers, data processing and more.
BYD シール 06DM-i 【レビュー&試乗】約260万円で満タン航続可能距離は2100km!? 日本未導入の最新PHVをテスト!! E-CarLife with 五味やすたか
Wild BYD SEAL 06 DM-I appeared!
Chinese-spec (LHD version) BYD Seal 06 DM-i appeared in Japan !!!
Ono Sokki is a world-leading manufacturer of high quality and innovative measurement and testing instrumentation for R&D, quality control and production line engineers, especially in the automotive industry. A one-stop solution for measurement, our range of products includes engine rpm and torque measurement, sound and vibration testing, rotary encoders, tachometers, data processing and more.
The Best EV You Can't Buy
Wild LI MEGA appeared!
Chinese-spec Li Mega (Li Auto Mega, Lixiang Mega) appeared in the US !!!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marques_Brownlee (Who he is.)